HomeThe Wye & Usk Foundation projectsAppealsThe Wye & Usk Foundation projects

The Wye & Usk Foundation projects

If you would like to give to our overall work rather than a specific appeal, you can make a donation to the Foundation’s projects from this page (if you are a river owner, you can use the Wye or Usk River Improvement Fund).

We rely on donations from a wide range of individuals and organisations wanting to support our work in this way. It provides us with the ‘seed’ money which we can use to draw down significant funds from other sources. These donations are therefore essential for us to be able to build our projects.

Supporters of our work therefore have the assurance that however much they give us will be multiplied far beyond the face value and used to restore and protect rivers, and their occupants. Every penny really does make a difference.

As a charity we can reclaim tax relief of 28% on the donations we receive from individuals. If you are a high rate taxpayer, you can claim additional relief too.

A charity concerned with education, restoring habitat, water quality and fisheries.

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