Latest Wye Catchment Collaborative Monitoring Network

Wye Catchment Collaborative Monitoring Network

Training Videos For Citizen Scientists

Click below to access ten training videos for citizen scientists.

Training Videos

Training Resources And Information For Citizen Scientists

Downloadable documents:

A guide to citizen science river water sampling and water quality testing in the field

Phosphorus information sheet for citizen scientists

Understanding Citizen Science Data

Information sheet 1 – Cleaning raw data downloads from Epicollect

Information sheet 2 – Interpreting cleaned citizen science data sets

We would like to acknowledge that this data has been collected by Friends of the Upper Wye (FOUW), Friends of the Lugg (FOL) and Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) as part of the Wye Citizen Science Collaborative Monitoring Network.

Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) 2021 Data

CPRE 2021

CPRE master log sites 2021

Friends of the Lugg (FOL) 2021 Data

FOL 2021

FOL master log sites 2021

Friends of the Upper Wye (FOUW) 2021 Data

FOUW 2021

FOUW master log sites 2021

Training Resources For Citizen Science Group Coordinators

Downloadable documents:

Session 1 – Planning a water quality monitoring programme

Session 3 – Using Epicollect, an online data collection platform for citizen scientists

Session 4 – Train the Trainer

Wye Catchment Collaborative Monitoring Network Development

Downloadable documents:

Workshop – Designing a collaborative monitoring programme for the Wye

Wye Catchment Collaborative Monitoring Network Forum 2021

Downloadable documents:

Recording of forum – Session 1

Visual minutes

Introduction – Liz Bagshaw

The potential of citizen science to improve catchment water quality across the UK – Michelle Walker

Wye Salmon Association citizen science monitoring – Stuart Smith

Friends of the Upper Wye citizen science monitoring – Tom Tibbits

Friends of the Lugg citizen science monitoring – Christine Hugh-Jones and Phil Ward

CPRE citizen science monitoring on the Lugg – Rod Hawnt

Data from a year of citizen science monitoring across the Wye – Elle von Benzon

Summary – Rupert Perkins

Wye Catchment Citizen Science Collaborative Monitoring Network Report 

Wye Catchment Citizen Science Water Quality Monitoring Report March 2021 – February 2022

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