
Herefordshire Council


WCP Data

Data collected by various individuals and organisations within the partnership.

Other Resources

Afonydd Cymru/Natural Resources Wales Fisheries Habitat Restoration Project Final Report 2020-2021 Environment Agency Citizen Science Briefing Note Final Version Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales & Natural England River Wye SAC Nutrient Management Plan Phosphate Action Plan Environment Agency Open Access Data Water Quality Data Fish, Invertebrate, Macrophytes and Diatoms Data Natural Resources Wales Know Your River […]


Electrofishing Surveys

The Foundation, along with partners the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales, conduct yearly electrofishing surveys throughout the Wye and Usk catchments to record fish densities. This is vital information in helping us assess the health of the catchments. Results of the 2022 Wye & Usk Electrofishing Surveys River Wye Average number of Atlantic Salmon […]



Downloadable documents, videos and other resources

Gwent WT

Water Quality

Water Quality



Water Quantity

Water Quantity

Acid Waters

Water Quality

Clean water, clean Wye? The River Wye faces a number of challenges, including how clean its water is. The standard of water quality can be influenced by a broad range of factors, including sewage works, agriculture & forestry. Here you will find information on local projects, monitoring data and plans which inform us of the […]