About Our network Major partners

Major partners

The Foundation has received generous and vital support from a range of organisations in our efforts to resolve the problems of the two rivers. This has been both in the form of funding and by way of expertise.

Our achievements could not have been possible without this support and we are especially grateful to the following organisations.


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Defra is the UK government department responsible for safeguarding the UK’s natural environment, supporting the its food and farming industry, and sustaining a thriving rural economy.

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water has become one of the strongest supporters of the Foundation’s work. Both organisations share a common interest – clean water in rivers. This has led to several partnership projects mainly to tackle the issue of water quality and quantity, but also other areas such as restoring the ecology in the river Elan.


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The Welsh Government is the devolved Government for Wales.

Welsh Government

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Natural England are the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England. They are close partners in many of our projects in the English part of the Wye catchment, especially with regards biodiversity, habitat improvement, water quality and the control of invasive species.

Natural England

Like the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales and their predecessors have been vital partners in the Foundation’s projects since 1996. They have supported us in all facets of our work – habitat improvement, fish passage, water quality, Fishing Passport, invasive species to name just a few areas.

Natural Resources Wales

The Environment Agency (EA) have supported nearly all aspects of our work within the English Wye since we started in 1996, both with funding and their expertise. They have been partners in projects ranging from fish passage to habitat improvement, farm work to the Fishing Passport.

Environment Agency

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