About Our network Supporting Trusts and Foundations

Supporting Trusts and Foundations

We have received generous support from numerous other Trusts and Foundations over the years.

Most of these are listed below with some others listed in the Major Partners section.


Formerly SITA, this trust is dedicated to making lasting improvements to community life and the natural environment.

It has supported the Foundation’s habitat restoration and water quality work, especially in the Lugg and Arrow catchment.

Read more about the SUEZ Communities Trust.

The Kingspan Group are the global leader in insulation and construction solutions. They have had a major site near Pembridge in the Lugg and Arrow catchment since 1986 and have always supported local community projects.

The Kingspan Insulation Community Trust was formed in 2006. In 2018 the trust supported our “Go Wild In The Curl” project, enabling us to teach primary school children in the local area about the aquatic environment through pond and river dipping.

The VCT Charitable Trust has generously supported our Freshwater Friends appeal in 2019, helping us reach our target of raising £15,000. This will enable 3,000 local schoolchildren to be inspired by rivers and to take positive, personal action for their benefit.

The Scott Charitable Trust has supported the Foundation over several years with gifts for our Future (endowment) Fund.